Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Alex Webb, The Suffering of Light and my photos of the day 200515

Alex Webb is another one of my favourite photographer.  He shoots mainly in colour which is very impressive.  I sometimes find his pictures mind boggling.  I have to think to myself for a few seconds and say "What the hell am I looking at" and thats when you know you are on to something special.
He has released a book called The Suffering of Light which is basically his lifes work.  I dont own this book yet but it is on my hit  list.  You can can check out his work at

The reason why I have tied Alex Webbs work in with my photos of the day is because I have not pushed any of my photos to black and white and tried to work on my composition a bit.  Pushing to black and white makes things easier for the viewer to deal with the amount of content in the photo due to there only being about 3 colours (grey white and black) .  When you shoot colour you need to focus more on composition and try to reduce clutter and also seek out colours that work together.

Alex Webb

Alex Webb

Alex Webb

Alex Webb

Alex Webb

And here are mine.