Monday, 9 March 2015

Street Photography

Not to confuse anyone but I have changed my blog site to suit my Street Photography.
I will still be blogging about other things but the main focus will be Street Photography.
I am currently working on a project at the moment and hoping to hold an exhibition and sell some prints to raise some money for a homeless charity in Bristol.  There will be 2 themes.  The first will mood based and shot in black and white and the other will be shot in colour.
I have been taking pictures on and off since I was a kid and was always interested in the candid side of photography.  I managed to find some of my early photos which are not great but have a SP feel to them.  Here are some examples of my work so far.  Still a lot to do from now until June when I am hoping to exhibit.  I shoot using a Minolta AL-f and an Olympus XA2.